
的 教务长办公室 is responsible for bringing the mission of Mount Mercy to life through a curriculum rich in high-interest majors, 项目, and learning experiences. We work to attract and retain the best faculty and to assist them in offering an outstanding education for Mount Mercy students.

Student-Oriented Educational Programs

Faculty members across the university are part of the 教务长办公室. Together we collaborate to create outstanding, student-oriented educational 项目 that emphasize growth in reflective judgment, strategic communication, 有目的的生活, and serving the common good.

除了, the 教务长办公室 staff includes talented individuals working actively with students in such areas as:

Since the scope of our work is so broad, students as well as faculty often have opportunities to visit our office for information or advice. We look forward to welcoming you and contributing to a positive academic experience at Mount Mercy.


  1. Students will demonstrate a knowledge of content, 假设, 术语, and methodology of a broad range of academic disciplines needed for informed and meaningful participation in society, 包括文学, 美术, 历史, 数学, 科学, 哲学, religious studies and social 科学s.
  2. Students will demonstrate a depth of understanding in their major field that successfully prepares them for graduate study or a career following graduation
  3. Students will evaluate their points of view by analyzing multiple perspectives. 
  4. Students will integrate knowledge across the disciplines.
  5. Students will apply creative, logical and scholarly processes in the pursuit of truth, to form reasoned judgments and explain the implications of drawing those conclusions. 

  1. 学生将产生, 收集, organize and present ideas and information in written, oral and visual modes for chosen purposes and audiences.
  2. Students will meet appropriate standards of quality when they communicate.
  3. Students will demonstrate respect and responsibility in communication with others.

  1. Students will recognize the challenges and opportunities of living in a changing, 复杂的, global society and demonstrate inclusivity and sensitivity to the diverse human conditions.
  2. Students will explain the significance of personal and social responsibility and be prepared to take action in modes of service, 公民参与, 宣传, 系统变化.
  3. Students will articulate an ethical framework based on respect for all human beings and the natural environment.
  4. Students will examine the core values of social justice, particularly the Mercy commitment to advocate for persons who are vulnerable and marginalized.

  1. Students will discern and clarify their vocational choices.
  2. Students will recognize the services and support available to assist them and others in determining which commitments will guide their lives.
  3. Students will demonstrate the ways in which their abilities and knowledge enable them to be responsible leaders or participants.
  4. Students will acknowledge the importance of a healthy and balanced life including social, 物理, emotional and spiritual well-being.
  5. Students will recognize the importance of life-long learning. 
  6. Students will analyze the evolving nature of relationships in their lives, 职业, 和社区.


 traditional academic calendar is divided into a 14-week fall semester (September–December), a four-week winter term (January) and a 14-week spring semester (February–May). We also offer accelerated, graduate, and online 项目 that follow a year-round block calendar.

Mount Mercy employs variable credit. Each course carries its own credit value. 的 unit of credit is semester hour. One semester hour of credit is awarded for each 50-minute class meeting per week per term. Each two-hour laboratory session per week per semester awards one-semester hour credit.

Full-time status at Mount Mercy is designated by the enrollment in 12.0 or more semester hours per semester. Part-time status at Mount Mercy is designated by enrollment in less than 12.0 semester hours in a given semester. 的 winter term is not included with either the fall semester or spring semester for calculation of full-time status.

For more information about Mount Mercy's academic policies and procedures, please visit the Office of the Registrar 或者参考 Mount Mercy目录.