业务 & 领导

Thrive in a collaborative environment. Build the skills employers want. Change the way the world does business.


我们的 contemporary business and 领导 programs focus on what’s new, 下一个, and necessary to succeed.

我们的研究生和加速商业课程是根据成人学生和工作专业人士的独特需求量身定制的. 我们知道你在课堂之外有很多事情要做,这就是为什么我们提供5周和10周的校园和在线(直播和点播)夜校课程的原因. 追求你的目标,灵活地平衡工作、生活和学习.

Learn on your schedule

我们的业务 & 领导力课程以多种形式提供,开学日期灵活,有5周和10周的夜间课程

5- & 10周的课程

校园 & 在线

(生活 & 按需)

Flexible scheduling

What can I do with a degree from the 业务 & 领导 programs?


From relevant and applicable coursework to internships and partnerships with 区域 employers, our approach helps you find your niche and build your dream career. Employers are taking notice: our 业务 & 领导 graduates are in demand among 区域 employers.

Mount Mercy的全体员工都在努力确保我能够毫不犹豫地追求我的职业和教育目标. 这个项目的灵活性甚至允许我继续指导我儿子的旅行棒球队.

Larry Covington ’19 工商管理硕士
Pr. Program Manager | Collins Aerospace

Health Care Administration

该证书在监管标准等重要领域提供最新的医疗保健专业知识, population health measures, and health insurance applications.


Whether you practice in the profession or lead a team of people, recognizing how human resources is structured will maximize performance.


这种独特的技能将使你进入高管教练的角色. You'll become fluent in communicating strategies, 领先的 in a virtual environment, 管理冲突, and serving as a change agent.


Supply Chain 管理


我们的 accelerated undergraduate course format offers 在线 courses in 5- and 10-week —perfect for students who want flexibility in their education.

和 with our 在线 (按需) classes, 你可以在任何地方学习,每周在最适合你的时间/地点完成课程. 以下本科商业课程以这种形式提供:

Applied 管理

Designed to expedite your academic career, 我们的应用管理专业欢迎从两年制大学转来的有技术专业背景的学生, 以及有过技术培训或工作经验的专业人员.


Learn every aspect of organizing, 领先的, and succeeding in business through Mount Mercy’s business core. 您将把您的实际生活经验与更深入地了解商业原则和理论的功能联系起来. 

Human Resource 管理

Personnel are the backbone of any business. 作为一名人力资源管理专业的学生,你将学习有效管理他们的成功以支持商业战略的技能.


管理专业培养学生在竞争激烈、充满活力的商业环境中发挥领导作用, 发展在盈利和非营利组织中有效和高效领导所必需的技能.


市场营销 is where sales, strategy, and communication all converge. You'll hone your skills in communication, 领导, 解决问题, relationship building, 并通过经验进行批判性思考,同时建立你的信心.

我们的 traditional undergraduate degrees offer courses at the semester pace. This is a great option for a residential, on-campus experience, or if you're comfortable commuting to classes during the day.





使用数学和统计方法来评估和定价保险和投资等领域的风险, 获得通过精算科学概率和精算科学金融数学考试所需的技能.

Applied 管理

Designed to expedite your academic career, 我们的应用管理专业欢迎从两年制大学转来的有技术专业背景的学生, 以及有过技术培训或工作经验的专业人员.


Learn every aspect of organizing, 领先的, and succeeding in business through Mount Mercy’s business core. 您将把您的实际生活经验与更深入地了解商业原则和理论的功能联系起来.


In our data science program, 您将开发理解该领域的算法和技术所需的数学基础, the computing skills to use them in meaningful ways, 以及与利益相关者分享你的见解所需的沟通技巧.


Bridging current practices, 投资理论, and ethical and professional standards, 我们为金融专业学生提供全面的商业教育计划,为他们在高需求的职业生涯中取得成功奠定基础.

Human Resource 管理

Personnel are the backbone of any business. 作为一名人力资源管理专业的学生,你将学习有效管理他们的成功以支持商业战略的技能.


管理专业培养学生在竞争激烈、充满活力的商业环境中发挥领导作用, 发展在盈利和非营利组织中有效和高效领导所必需的技能.



市场营销 is where sales, strategy, and communication all converge. You'll hone your skills in communication, 领导, 解决问题, relationship building, 并通过经验进行批判性思考,同时建立你的信心.


通过理解公共关系中的关键概念和战略规划来发展能力, mastering skills used in traditional public relations tactics, 学习美国公共关系学会(PRSA)的原则和指导方针.

Science 市场营销

我们的混合科学营销计划将科学技能与营销能力相结合, helping you analyze new findings, put words to fresh ideas, 提高你的能力,与世界分享科学不断发展的故事.

Sports 管理

我们的体育管理课程超越了基本的课堂学习,它将现实世界的经验与强大的课程相结合. Designed for people with a passion for athletics, this track will prepare you to manage, 市场, 金融, and plan for local, 区域, and national teams or sports organizations.


As part of our 工商管理硕士 and MSL curriculum, 您将在达迪斯通信公司获得有关演讲技巧和专业形象的宝贵培训,为您的职业生涯提供助力. In an increasingly competitive 市场, the ability to present, articulate your vision, 磨练你的个人品牌可能是让你脱颖而出的关键.

See how you can afford your business degree

  1. 收到一个 10% tuition discount if you work at one of our corporate educational partners
  2. Ask your employer about tuition reimbursement
  3. Study now, pay later. 我们可以在课程结束后45天内延迟付款,以便您提交发票, receive tuition reimbursement, and avoid fronting the bill
  4. 得到一个 $600 referral scholarship by referring friends and co-workers
  5. Explore other options through our 金融援助 Office

Continue your education

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