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从资产负债表中最大化可操作的业务战略, business projections, 还有金融投资组合和你的金融分析技巧. 金钱是一切生意的支柱, 但要将数据转化为利润,需要一个雄心勃勃、专注的头脑.

培养领导能力以及银行业务方面的实际技能, portfolio 管理, financial analysis, 统计数据, 和更多的 in our 金融 program. 专为简化您对金融世界的理解而设计,以快速进入高需求的金融职业领域, you will gain practical h和s-on experience as you explore the world of financial services.

Why should I choose MMU?


Start with basic budgeting 和 build your underst和ing of advanced financial 管理 concepts.

您将从具有实际金融经验的教师那里学习分析技能, including interpreting 统计数据, accurate reporting, developing effective projections, 并将这些技能转化为可操作的商业策略.

传统学生和在职专业人士都可以培养信心和领导技能,这对于不断变化的商业贷款世界至关重要, corporate 金融, securities analysis, financial planning, 和更多的.

非洲金融共同体 研究所 affiliated program

我们的金融课程被特许金融分析师(非洲金融共同体)协会大学附属课程认可,我们的课程帮助学生准备非洲金融共同体(R)考试. 这 industry st和ard of excellence gives Mount Mercy 金融 students a competitive edge upon graduation.

The 非洲金融共同体 charter credential is the most difficult to obtain in the 金融 field 和 also the most respected. Through the 非洲金融共同体 program, we're able to award up to six scholarships per year to students for the 非洲金融共同体 exam—saving you roughly $1,000. 


各种规模的企业都有财务管理方面的需求,作为芒特梅西大学的毕业生,你将能够满足这些需求. 你将通过该项目获得的领导能力和沟通技巧将引领你在任何行业的本地和全球公司取得成功.

We partner with organizations like Transamerica, Alliant Energy, Collins Aerospace, 另一些则通过实习让你在现实世界中获得实践经验.

The 金融 program also offers 一个小 which is a great companion to other business majors. 对一些学生来说,继续一段时间 Masters of 业务 Administration (MBA)是他们的下一步——或者是我们另外三位毕业生中的一位 业务 & 领导 项目.

Tom Budde '17

“我现在在Aegon资产管理公司担任投资分析师,这是我所受教育的直接结果,我必须理解所有的东西,并且理解得很好. MMU是我事业的跳板."

What courses will I take?


BA 203Principles of Law3
BA 250技术 & Communication In 业务3
BA 270业务 Statistics3
or MA 135 Basic Statistics
BA 379Financial Management3
BA 435高级 Seminar in 业务3
or BA 436 业务 Strategy Seminar
BC 265Principles Of Accounting I3
BC 266Principles Of Accounting II3
BK 208Principles Of 市场营销3
BN 204Principles Of Management3
EC 251Macro经济学 Principles3
EC 252Microeconomic Principles3
Choose One of the Following:3
MA 130
Finite Mathematics
MA 132
Basic Mathematical Modeling
MA 139
MA 164
BA 425
金融 Internship
BC 425
Accounting Internship
BK 421
市场营销 Internship
BN 424
Management Internship
GS 424
Experiential Learning
The internship credits used for the business core CANNOT double count as a major elective.
Total 小时39

金融 主要的 (核心业务要求加上18个额外学时)

业务 Core39
BA 344Investments 13
BA 420Cases In 金融3
EC 366Money 和 Banking 23
Choose Two of the Following:6
BA 320
Applied Financial Reporting
BA 350
Risk Management
BA 360
Securities Analysis
BA 425
金融 Internship
Total 小时57



Cannot double count for 管理 or business majors but does double count for 经济学 minors.


All 金融 majors must achieve a minimum grade of C- in each of the following courses: BC 265 Principles Of Accounting I, BC 266 Principles Of Accounting II, BA 344 Investments, BA 379 Financial Management, BA 420 Cases In 金融, EC 251 Macro经济学 Principles, EC 252 Microeconomic Principles, EC 366 Money 和 Banking,以及高级会计课程. 金融专业的学生两门金融选修课的最低成绩都必须达到C-. 这适用于从其他院校转来的同等课程.

See Academic Requirements 适用于所有商务系的专业和未成年人 业务 Administration section of the 目录.

金融 小

BA 344Investments 13
BA 379Financial Management3
BA 420Cases In 金融3
BC 265Principles Of Accounting I3
BC 266Principles Of Accounting II3
EC 251Macro经济学 Principles3
EC 252Microeconomic Principles3
EC 366Money 和 Banking 23
Total 小时27



Cannot double count for 管理 or business majors but does count for 经济学 minor.

所有金融辅修课程必须达到C-以下每门课程的最低成绩: BC 265 Principles Of Accounting I, BC 266 Principles Of Accounting II, BA 344 Investments, BA 379 Financial Management, BA 420 Cases In 金融, EC 251 Macro经济学 Principles, EC 252 Microeconomic Principles, EC 366 Money 和 Banking,以及高级会计课程.

See Academic Requirements 适用于所有商务系的专业和未成年人 业务 Administration section of the 目录.


门户网站3选修3BN 2043
Writing Competency4 BK 2083
MA 130 (or higher)3 BA 2503
CO 1013 Literature Domain3
 13 3 15
BC 2653选修3BC 2663
EC 2513 EC 2523
BA 2033 Philosophy Domain3
Natural World Domain4 Global Awareness Domain3
 13 3 15
EC 3663BC 3153BA 2703
BA 3793 金融 选修3
BA 3443 Holistic Health Domain3
Religious Studies Domain3 Self 和 Society Domain3
选修3 选修3
 15 3 15
金融 选修3选修3BA 4203
BA 4353 Historical Roots Domain3
Fine 艺术 Domain3 BA 4253
选修3 选修3
 12 3 13
Total 小时: 123

注:选修课程可用于第二专业, 一个小, a course of interest, 有实习或留学经历.

Note: See the Curriculum section 获取更多关于门户、能力、领域和顶点课程的信息.


The course offerings, requirements, 和政策正不断检讨和修订. 这 目录 presents the offerings, requirements, policies in effect at the time of publication 和 in no way guarantees that the offerings, requirements, policies will not change.

这个学习计划代表了本专业必修课程的典型顺序. 它可能并不适用于每个学生. Students should contact a department faculty member to be sure of appropriate course sequence.



为进入业务部门做准备, 学生将探索在商业世界中取得成功所必需的技能. 他们将探索这里提供的所有商业专业,让学生对不同专业和辅修专业的职业和课程有全面的了解. 本课程将定义专业精神和雇主期望. They will write two business orientated communications: email 和 two-page research project using APA. 他们会写一份实习简历,准备一次电梯演讲. 他们将探索团队合作的技巧, goal setting, assertive communication, time 管理 necessary to establish success in college 和 in the business environment. There will be a brief overview of all business department majors 和 associated careers, 由主要协调员提出, 以及商务俱乐部的介绍, organizations, 和Mount Mercy大学的志愿者任务.

BA 203法律原理:3个学时

本课程提供了对美国法律体系的广泛了解. 它包括对法律推理的讨论, the structure of the legal system, 法律的几个实质性领域是普遍的实际利益. 这些具体的主题包括合同、侵权、行政法和代理法. Prerequisite: sophomore st和ing.

BA 240个人财务规划:3个学时

这 course examines basic financial skills which each of us must develop over our lifetime. Personal financial statements, calculating net worth, cash 管理 tools, wise use of credit, 首先探讨的是管理信用卡债务. 还包括对联邦税收制度的概述, tips to minimize the "tax bite", tax-deferred savings plans (IRA's 和 401K's) 和 personal investing strategies for stocks, 债券, mutual funds. In addition, 主题将包括房屋所有权的好处(节省税收和增值), use of escrow accounts, 抵押贷款和房屋净值债务的好处, 以及房地产经纪人可以提供的服务. 本课程还探讨了各种各样的保险产品(定期寿险), permanent life, 汽车, 医学), 社会保障和退休福利, the basic provisions of a will, the use of trusts, 以及如何尽量减少赠与税/遗产税/遗产税. The course may not be applied to any major or minor within the 业务 Administration Division.

BA 250 技术 & 商务沟通:3个学时

In this course, students will study technology, 研究和沟通,因为它涉及到商业环境. Students will be expected to demonstrate proficiency in the use of computer software including word processing, spreadsheet, database 和 presentation. In addition, 学生将被要求用指定的格式完成一篇研究论文,并使用演示软件(i.e. PowerPoint). 需要使用互联网进行研究. The various communication skills required of professionals in the business area will also be studied. 这 includes, but is not limited to, 电子邮件, team building, 组织会议,合作解决问题. 这 course is required of all business majors at Mount Mercy 和 must be taken at Mount Mercy. Prerequisites: Completion of the speech 和 freshman writing core curriculum requirements. 四年制的Mount Mercy学生 BA 250 during their sophomore year. All 转移 students take BA 250 在Mount Mercy的第一个学期,或者在大一转学的第二年.

BA 270商业统计:3个学时

这 course studies descriptive 和 inferential 统计数据 with an emphasis on business 应用程序s. 主题包括:集中趋势的度量, measures of dispersion, 概率和概率分布, confidence intervals, hypotheses testing, 以及相关和回归的介绍. 先决条件:一年高中代数或MA 008或部门批准.

BA 300创业学:3个学时

本课程将教学生如何开始和经营自己的企业. 学生将学习什么是有吸引力的投资机会, where to go for financing, 如何保持准确的会计记录, 以及如何遵守州和联邦税法. 他们还将学习管理、法律、市场营销等. 个别企业主将被用作课堂上的演讲者. There will be a group project in which students will be required to develop a business plan. Prerequisites: BC 265, BC 266, BN 204, BK 208. Offered spring semesters.

BA 305就业法和劳动关系:3个学时

这 is a survey course that looks at the history 和 development of employment law in the United States. We will look closely at the current legal issues found in case law, statutory law 和 regulations. We will also study the labor relations 和 collective bargaining system addressing issues such as wages, benefits 和 grievance procedures. Formerly BA 205. Prerequisite: BA 203.Offered online, block schedule.

BA 310争议解决:3个学时

Conflict is a fact of life. 我们如何解决与朋友之间的分歧, 邻居, 老板, 员工, 客户, 政府, 配偶和孩子很重要. 在这门课程中,我们将学习原则谈判的技巧,这些技巧将有助于达成一个让各方都满意的明智协议. 我们还将讨论其他争议解决程序,如诉讼, 中介, arbitration. 课程将包括角色扮演和小组项目来练习所学的技巧. Formerly BA 210. Prerequisite: BA 203.

BA 320应用财务报告:3个学期

本课程将教学生如何详细分析财务报表. The financial statements will be approached from the users' perspective rather than the preparers' perspective. 本课程将案例教学法与课堂教学法相结合,使学生能够将所学的概念应用到实际业务中. Prerequisites: BC 265BC 266. Offered fall semesters.

BA 330遗产规划:3个学时

本课程涵盖了以符合客户意愿的方式转移资产的最佳方式,同时最大限度地减少税收和其他费用. Prerequisite: BA 203.

BA 344投资:3个学时

本课程教授学生广泛的投资机会,以及如何分析这些机会. 这些机会将与投资目标一起讨论. 此外,该课程还教授学生各种证券估值技术. Prerequisites: BC 265BC 266. Offered fall semesters.

BA 350风险管理:3个学时

本课程概述了管理和行政流程的设计,以尽量减少损失和对组织的影响. 这 includes general liability, product liability, property damage, worker's compensation. 在本课程中,学生还将学习评估商业和个人风险的方法,特别强调哪些方法可以以经济有效的方式将风险降到最低. Prerequisite: sophomore st和ing. Offered online, block schedule.

BA 360证券分析:3个学时

本课程是投资课程的后续课程. 本课程将涉及一个非常实际的方法来评估整个实体. 学生将学习如何评估一家公司的前景和风险,他们将学习使用各种方法对公司进行估值,如贴现现金流分析和各种估值指标. Prerequisite: BA 344. Offered spring semesters.

BA 365金融产品:3个学时

本课程的目的是使学生作为消费者受益,并将大大有利于任何学生的职业生涯,作为一个财务顾问. There are many different financial products in existence such as various types of life insurance products, 年金, structured vehicles, market linked notes, 等.,各有各的长处和短处. These products may be suitable for one investor 和 not for another due to a variety of factors such as age, risk tolerance, financial situation, family situation, 等. 本课程将解释每种类型的产品, 每个产品的优势和劣势, 以及可能从每种类型中受益的投资者类型. Prerequisite courses: BA 379 Financial Management or BA 344 Investments.

BA 370商业定量方法:3个学期

本课程将扩展介绍性课程所涵盖的材料,并介绍多元回归和相关的主题, nonparametric methods of analysis, index numbers, time series analysis, decision making under uncertainty, statistical quality control. Prerequisite: BA 270.


这 course provides students with an underst和ing of how sport events 和 facilities are managed. Students will analyze 和 evaluate 管理 aspects like daily operations 和 functions, 人员配备, sponsorships, 预算, short- 和 long-term planning, 和风险, 强调在实际情况中的应用. Prerequisite: BN 204 or instructor permission. Offered fall semesters.

BA 373体育法:3个学期

这 course focuses on covering topics of professional 和 non-professional sports law issues. It includes a focus on the regulatory nature of domestic 和 international sport to include interscholastic, intercollegiate 和 Olympic sports. 综合议题将包括管理机构,如NAIA, NCAA和专业级别的有关使用经纪人的规定, 与第九条有关的性别问题, 兴奋剂检测, 工会和体育法中的当前话题. Prerequisite: BA 203. 提供春季学期,奇数日历年.

BA 375体育组织融资:3个学期

本课程建立在财务和会计课程的基础上,并应用于体育组织的财务管理. 这 includes refining skills in fiduciary responsibility while covering topics in financial analysis, business analytics, environmental/economic scanning, 以及税收来帮助管理决策. Prerequisite: BC 265BC 266. 提供春季学期,甚至日历年.

BA 379财务管理:3个学时

这是一门以决策为导向,强调股东财富最大化的课程. 它包括对现金流等概念的研究, ratio analysis, financial forecasting, 利用, the time value of money, the capital budgeting process, securities valuation. Prerequisites: BC 265BC 266.

BA 410财务规划:3个学时

本课程将要求学生为一个复杂的家庭情况完成从开始到结束的财务规划过程. 这 process will include obtaining qualitative 和 quantitative information regarding the client’s personal situation; analyzing the client’s current course of action along with alternative courses of action; developing financial planning recommendations; presenting the financial planning recommendations; 和 monitoring the progress of the financial plan 和 update as necessary. The topics to be covered include professional conduct 和 regulation; general principles of financial planning; risk 管理 和 insurance planning; investment planning; tax planning; retirement savings 和 income planning; estate planning; 和 the psychology of financial planning. Prerequisite: BA 330, BA 344, BA 350, BA 365, BA 379.

BA 420金融学案例:3个学时

本课程将教学生如何分析金融案例. 案例教学法通过让学生接触必须做出财务决策的实际情况来模拟“真实世界”. Students must use their prior knowledge of 金融 和 common sense to arrive at recommendations for each case. 这个过程应该能使学生提高他们的技术财务技能,增强他们在决策中使用主观判断的能力. Prerequisite: BA 344BA 379. Offered spring semesters.

BA 425金融实习:3个学时

Students may take advantage of internship opportunities which become available in the field of 金融. 这些实习包括在当地企业进行校外监督,以及定期与校内导师会面. 校内教师将根据个人情况确定任何进一步的要求. (在外部公司工作的学期,每周每3个学时,最多可获得一个学期学分,最多不超过6个学时).

BA 430商业选择主题:3个学期

本课程包括对商业中主要问题或主题的考察. 课程内容和副标题会有所不同. 经讲师同意,课程可重复进行. Offered winter term.

BA 435商业高级研讨会:3个学期

顶点课程旨在整合市场营销知识, 金融, 经济学, 管理, 并将会计应用于各种类型的业务和机构情况. 教学方法包括案例研究、课堂讨论和阅读. Prerequisites: BA 250, BA 379, BK 208, BN 204 和 senior st和ing.

BA 436商业策略研讨会:3个学时

这 is a capstone course designed to assist the student to integrate 和 apply knowledge of marketing, 金融, 经济学, 管理, 以及学生感兴趣的会计领域. 学生将通过理论和实际案例研究制定战略计划. 这 course is the required capstone course in the 业务 major in the Advance program. Prerequisites: BN 204, BK 208, BA 379.

BA 445工商管理独立学习:3个学时

如果学生希望对特定主题进行个人学习和/或研究, he/she should contact the appropriate member of the department as a supervising instructor, 并通过他/她的导师注册并获得他/她的导师同意.

What are the next steps?

Mount Mercy offers competitive 学费 和 generous scholarships.

我们也鼓励所有学生申请联邦,州和其他类型的 financial assistance.

了解更多 about:

我们全年都接受申请,这很容易! No deadline, no fee, no pressure.

  1. Create your 应用程序
  2. 按照标准录取标准申请或者选择“可选考试”
  3. 索取以前就读过的所有院校的正式成绩单. 邮件:

* Mount Mercy University招生
  1330 Elmhurst Drive NE
  Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402

* If you are applying for an accelerated program, please mail to "Accelerated Programs"

有关如何申请的更详细说明,请参阅我们的 招生 page.

你可以 转移 up to 75 credits from an Iowa community college or up to 93 credits from a regionally accredited 4-year university

退伍军人 也可以通过非传统教育支持国防活动(DANTES)获得军事训练学分。.

职业生涯 in 金融


Mount Mercy 金融 graduates benefit from a well-established relationship with the local business community, 谁总是在寻找合格的毕业生. 

我们的毕业生已经在当地和全国范围内的AEGON等公司找到了工作, Great America Financial Company, 雷神公司, AXA Advisors, 和更多的.

你会发现Mount Mercy金融学院的毕业生在以下职位工作: 

  • Financial Analyst
  • Financial Advisor
  • Investment Banker
  • Loan Officer
  • Financial Planner
  • Investment Analyst
  • Bank Manager