Haillie Vanderlinden ’22, ’24 MA-MFT Headshot

Haillie Vanderlinden ’22, ’24 MA-MFT

Student Therapist | Olson Marriage & Family Therapy Clinic

A smooth transition

Haillie Vanderlinden ’22, ’24 MA-MFT knew she wanted to be a therapist early on, which made Mount Mercy University’s MMU Plus program the perfect fit for her.

All of Haillie’s life, she’s been kind, caring, a helper, and has worn her heart on her sleeve. Knowing what Haillie wanted to be when she grew up wasn’t a challenging task for her, 而是, the choice seemed natural.

“I always knew I wanted to become a Marriage and Family Therapist, so I chose Mount Mercy University to help with a seamless transition between my undergraduate and graduate program,海莉说.


I always knew I wanted to become a Marriage and Family Therapist, so I chose Mount Mercy University to help with a seamless transition between my undergraduate and graduate program.

Haillie Vanderlinden ’22, ’24 MA-MFT
Student Therapist | Olson Marriage & Family Therapy Clinic

MMU Plus allowed Haillie to take graduate courses during her undergraduate studies. This provided Haillie with not only a smooth transition in the Master of 艺术 in Marriage and Family Therapy Program, but also a welcoming program, helpful advisors, and a cohort community.

“I like that everyone can lean on each other for support since it’s a little community,海莉说.

Haillie has put what she’s learned to work, including volunteering on National Coming Out Day. She provided a non-judgmental ear to members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

“It was awesome to be able to discuss what different gender-affirming conversations look like,海莉说. “It was refreshing to see everyone come together and to see people be curious.”

She has also been able to practice applying her therapeutic techniques as a Student Therapist at the Olson Marriage & Family Therapy Clinic. She helps clients with coping skills for processing grief in hour-long weekly or biweekly sessions.


Haillie's undergraduate psychology courses prepared her to adjust therapeutic styles per client to help her provide the best service possible. The program also provided her with a sound support system.

“Although I didn’t live on campus during my undergrad, I still made a ton of great 朋友,海莉说.

Through her MA-MFT courses, Haillie has gained many vital attributes, such as learning how to be adaptable and flexible, how to learn fast, and how to earn more connections with 朋友.

“I’ve gained a quicker understanding of concepts within the program,海莉说. “I learned that it’s okay to ask questions”

Alongside her relationships with classmates, Haillie made connections with influential professors. Some of those professors are Dr. Heather Morgan-Sowada, Dr. Anthony Mielke, and Dr. 道格拉斯McPhee.

“They were all kind, professional, and caring,海莉说. “They provided me guidance in a way that I felt I could ask questions and lean on them without any judgment.”


My professors were all kind, professional, and caring. They provided me guidance in a way that I felt I could ask questions and lean on them without any judgment.

Haillie Vanderlinden ’22, ’24 MA-MFT
Student Therapist | Olson Marriage & Family Therapy Clinic

The MMU Plus program was a huge deciding factor for Haillie when choosing Mount Mercy because she felt that it was a good stepping stone toward her long-term plan of being a therapist.

“It was an opportunity to get me ahead in the graduate program,海莉说.

Some advice Haillie wants current Marriage & Family Therapy students to hear is that it is essential to lean on family, 朋友, 群组成员, and people you care about for the support you need.

“It’s okay not to be okay,海莉说. “Every good therapist has a therapist.”

As for students looking into MMU Plus, Haillie wants you to know that for her, “there were no negatives, just a ton of benefits.” She also wants students to do their own research to see what works for them—and if that is MMU Plus, don’t be afraid to take the jump because it’s worth it.